Rise up today!

This 6 week program is a one on one Personal Development training where you will gain knowledge and insight to achieve next level success. Identify barriers and obstacles that maybe holding you back. Discover strategies to start eliminating behaviors that do not align with where you want to go and who you want to be. 



Get S#*t Sorted!

This course is like having a complete clean out of anything that maybe holding you back when it comes to making progress in life!

What is Personal development?

Personal development or Self development is the process of learning new skills, strategies and tools that can help to lead you to success in the results you want to achieve. There are 3 main steps to personal development...

1. Desire for improvement

2. Being open to learning

3. Personal development plan

3 steps to a successful Personal development plan (PDP)

1. Check in to evaluate where you are right now

Think of a car for a minute. A well running car gets serviced and checked in on... they require a warrant of fitness to ensure they are running safely and by doing this process it can prevent the car breaking down. 

Often we are just doing life but rarely do we take the time to check in to make sure everything is running smoothly and then sometimes what can happen is the wheels fall off because certain parts or areas in your life may have been neglected. 

With the Rise up program this is an important starting point to help discover your focus areas for improvement or leveling up.

2. Evaluate where you want to go

If there were no roadblocks or barriers what is your living your best life ideal outcome for each area of life? What is important to you and where are you spending your time? 

Gain clear direction on where you want to go.

3. Reset and take action. Reset any behaviors that do not support your goals. Be clear on how you are going to receive your goals. Create an achievable action now plan on the steps you need to take to reach them.

About Rise Up

Are your ready to take everyday action, gain next level success, improve your confidence and get back on track to reach your goals?

  • Everyday Action

    This program provides you with the tools, process and strategies for improvement, you need to be ready to take everyday action. Not one day action or I will start on Monday action but today action!

  • Level up

    You may already be successful in life and are ready to take it to the next level. This program will give you guidance and a sounding board on how to get there.

  • Improved Confidence

    Confidence has a lot to speak for, it can be lost along the way and can hold you back from taking action towards your goals. During this program develop daily habits to improved confidence.

  • Get back on track

    Life got messy along the way and it may feel somewhat out of control. A reset takes a look at where you are and guides you back on track to reach your destination.

  • New empowering habits

    Break down barriers and develop new empowering habits that you can start using today that help to reach the ultimate outcome of improvement.

  • Direction

    Discover what you really want and build a road map with achievable and actionable steps on how to get there. This program is about developing lasting change.

How does it work?

The pre course training is FREE and this along with the FREE discovery call will help to determine if the Rise up program is suited to you. In the pre course you will discover common topics we cover in the Rise up program. 

Pre course - 30 minutes

*About Rise up

*People matter

*My top 5 tips for when your having a bad day

*My top 3 Time Management tips

*Tips to recognize when your overthinking

*My top 3 tips on developing confidence

FREE Discovery call

Can Rise up help me? 

Book your 20-30 minute Discovery call to see if this program can work for you and discover what your focus area would be for the Rise up program. 

After your free discovery call

At this point you decide if you want to move forward with your self development.

Yes - Purchase the program - Click here

One on one training

You will receive 6 consecutive weeks of one on one training with Rachelle, via Zoom. The meetings will be set after your Discovery call and will run for 1 hour per week. Allow time either side for prep and planning. Ideally you want to block out 2 hours per week around your meeting time.

There maybe a small amount of paper work to complete each week depending on your focus areas.

Follow up - Allow time to check in during the week in response to the follow up communication following each meeting. This is a way to check in on progress mid week to develop a flow of momentum and habits that move you towards your goals.

On conclusion of the program

You will receive a roadmap  to continue your progress on personal development. This is like a summary and a step by step guide on the strategies and tools that you develop and learn during the Rise up course.

8 week check in

Allow 15 - 20 minutes for a follow up call.

The Rise up self development program is personalized for each person so the process can vary depending on your needs.

Re-evaluate, set new goals and level up